In some cases you would need to find the location of…
How to Install the Apache Web Server on a Windows PC ?

The Apache HTTP Server is one of the most widely used web server software available. It is an open-source software that can be run on a large number of different operating systems, including Windows. This article will teach you how to install the Apache web server on your Windows PC.
1 If you haven’t done so already, download the Apache HTTPD Web Server from the Apache web site . Be sure to download the apache_2.2.16-win32-x86-no_ssl MSI installer here: (
- You can also install XAMPP
- for a simpler Apache, MySQL, PHP package.
- To check that the software was in installed successfully, open your favorite browser and type “http://localhost/” into the address bar. You should see a page that looks like this or the words “It Works!”: